Here’s what some of your fellow Peninsula Network Chiropractic Practice Members have reported as benefits to receiving care during the pandemic……
“Just had my first visit since March. Being able to come in for an entrainment last Friday was similar to the life i had known; wonderful.The amount of tension that was released was huge. I am looking forward to my next visit on Friday. Thank you Dr. Patty. Love and Peace.”
“I’m grateful to be able to come for entrainments because it helps my body dispel the anxiety that comes from listening to the news and navigating work. Thank you, Dr. Patty, for keeping us grounded and focussed on what’s important!”
“My regular appointments keep me healthy and moving well. I look forward to going not just because it physically makes me feel better, but also because it breaks my weekly monotony of being at home. The days of the week kind of blur together, but I know when Monday occurs!”
“Being able to see Dr. Patty during this chaotic time has been a blessing for our family. While we are thankful to be healthy overall, we have faced numerous challenges that, without Dr. Patty’s help, would surely have manifested themselves into much larger, uncomfortable issues. Thanks to Dr. Patty and her efforts on the table and through use of her tinctures, my two and three year old children and me (and my husband, who threw out his back a couple of months ago), are all thriving. Thank you for being a light, Dr. Patty!
And more reviews…………..
Thank you for the entrainment and Stage 3. I’m in very different places tonight. I have joy, ease and filled with gratitude.
Today’s session significantly helped the lung pain I’ve been having. I felt huge improvement on Sunday. So much so that I didn’t even notice I felt better till I journalled in the evening.
I talked to 4 guys online in the morning through dating app. Nothing planned out and 2 of them made plans that they didn’t follow through on but I totally didn’t care. Usually I would have been annoyed.
Then I spent the day studying my astrology class and before I knew it the day was over and I hadn’t stressed about anything.
At work today I feel disturbed about my boss but I managed the situation really well and I’m clear headed about what is triggering me and how to deal with it. Thank you 🙂
I have had so much stress and pain manifest in my body in the last year. In one visit I stopped feeling the pain that had been haunting me for the past year. Every visit since has caused my energy to feel better and better. I feel like I have more access to my creativity, and basic joy of living. Thank you!
Thank you so much for all your care and wisdom these last five months. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you. It’s been a very intense, transition-filled time in my life. I wouldn’t have been able to stay sane and stable without you!
Thanks Dr. Patty…I feel better, can keep my eyes open and I can see better too! Phew, guess my back was a mess. Nice to get all straightened out! Thanks Again!
Thank you for all your care. It gave me a new foundation from which to expand into a new realm of health and vitality. As always, you are a gem!
I want to thank you for yesterday and give you an update! My hand has 95% improved from yesterday, there’s barely any swelling left or pain or anything!!! I’m a bit surprised because mostly what I learned is that pain and swelling can last up to 7 days! .. not me!😂🙏🏼💯💐💐
Dr. Patty gave me my life back!
I am a massage therapist for over 30 years who lives on a family horse ranch in the Napa mountains which was burned during the 2017 Nunn’s fire. I mention this because there is a never-ending amount of post-fire clean-up work that greets us daily. Pre-Covid, I enjoyed the ranch work.
When Covid hit, I moved pretty much full-time to the ranch, taking on all of the horse chores, in addition to traveling to the Peninsula once a week for six outcall massages. During this last year, my body finally started talking to me: shoulders, neck, back, hands all started aching. It caused me to think my massage career was finally ending, and to postpone that possibility, I stopped doing much work and tried to get others to pick up my slack, i.e. shoveling manure! This caused me to operate from a basis of fear. Any time something flared up, I immediately thought, “Okay, this is the end.” Not a happy way to live.
Then one fine day I received the impression to call Dr. Patty. After the first session, I knew I was on the road to recovery. After the second session, I told Dr, Patty, that she has given me my life back! Sure, I have occasional pains, but they resolve themselves quickly. Sure, I am releasing old stuck traumas, and for that I am grateful. As a side note, I was in a serious car accident 17 years ago, and I am now noticing improvement in areas that have bothered me since then. But the main benefit is that I am no longer living in fear! I am back doing more ranch work than ever, riding a lot and loving every minute of it! Yes, Dr. Patty, you truly have given me my life back!
My 14 year old dog goes to Dr Patty for chiropractic care. She’s a miracle worker!!!
This morning I saw a candid video of myself for the first time since starting Network care with Dr Patty and I was standing up straight. That’s real progress for me, I’ve been a huncher my whole life. I Thank Dr Patty and being under Network care for that.
I came to Dr Patty after already been in Network care for a year. Adding the Wisdom Update Sessions takes it to a whole different level. Patterns that I have had for decades have transferred out shockingly easily in exchange for something more beneficial.